For a straight-forward guide on how to test SQL Ports are open with PowerShell, check post: Testing Connection to SQL Server Ports with PowerShell Testing to ensure connectivity to remote servers is a crucial step for system administrators. In the […]
PowerShell: Get-ChildItem, a Comprehensive Guide
PowerShell, a powerful command-line tool and scripting language, provides a versatile set of commands to manage and automate tasks in Windows environments. One of the most frequently used commands is Get-ChildItem (alias: gci). In this guide, we’ll delve into the […]
PowerShell Script: List Files with Sizes and Dates
In this blog post, we’ll explore a simple and practical PowerShell script that helps you list files in a directory along with their sizes and creation dates. This script provides a straightforward way to gain insights into your file system, […]
PowerShell: Counting Files, Words and Rows
As PowerShell enthusiasts, we often find ourselves immersed in tasks that involve processing and analyzing data. Whether it’s counting rows in a CSV file or tracking the progress of specific operations, having a reliable counting mechanism is crucial. In this […]
PowerShell: Creating a New Firewall Rule
In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a new firewall rule using PowerShell. Firewall rules help control network traffic, allowing or blocking specific connections. Setting up the right rules improves security and ensures necessary applications […]
PowerShell Environment Variables: A Comprehensive Guide
In the dynamic world of scripting and automation, understanding and manipulating environment variables are essential skills. PowerShell provides powerful cmdlets to effortlessly interact with environment variables, allowing you to not only retrieve their values but also set new configurations. In […]