Deleting a large amount of data from a SQL Server table can be a resource-intensive task. Whether it’s for routine maintenance or data cleanup, managing the deletion process efficiently becomes crucial for maintaining database performance. In this blog post, we’ll […]
SQL Server Script: Kill All User SPIDs
Database administrators often encounter scenarios where they need to terminate all user sessions or processes (SPIDs) in a specific database. This may be necessary during maintenance tasks, troubleshooting (dropping a database), or other critical database operations. In this blog post, […]
PowerShell: Creating a New Firewall Rule
In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a new firewall rule using PowerShell. Firewall rules help control network traffic, allowing or blocking specific connections. Setting up the right rules improves security and ensures necessary applications […]
How to Set Your Default WSL Distro
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) has revolutionized the way developers and users interact with Linux distributions on Windows. We can easily have several local Linux distributions installed on our Windows Computer for our development needs. When managing multiple WSL distros, […]
Downgrading WSL Distributions: Going from WSL 2 to WSL 1
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) offers two versions: the latest iteration (WSL 2) and the original version (WSL 1). There may be instances where downgrading a WSL distribution becomes necessary, whether for tool compatibility or workflow preferences. In this post, […]
PowerShell Environment Variables: A Comprehensive Guide
In the dynamic world of scripting and automation, understanding and manipulating environment variables are essential skills. PowerShell provides powerful cmdlets to effortlessly interact with environment variables, allowing you to not only retrieve their values but also set new configurations. In […]